This picture says so much about me and about how I do things. It seems very staged. But it's not and that's why it's so funny to me.
We had just finished the basement space and I had moved my crafting stuff into the room. At the same time, I was sewing curtains for the newly repainted kitchen. I pulled out the sewing machine, sat it on top of a vintage suitcase from my stash, and pulled up the nearest chair. A tiny chair built for a 3 year-old. But I only needed to sew little hems on a few pieces of small fabric. I would be done in just a few minutes. And then it hit me. This is how a crazy person sews. When I shared the pic on instagram, by sister commented that she wished she had a straight jacket emoji.
Some things will never change for me. My crafting will always be impromptu. I still love sharing what I make and what I find but it is just not that easy to share from a blog. The instantaneous sharing from phone to picture to instagram is a perfect fit for me (at least for now). I'm a visual learner and obviously a visual sharer.
I found an easy way to keep my blog archives without the pesky annual fee and schlepped most of my posts to WordPress. Of course, I love the picture-centered theme I chose and, if you've stopped by here, please visit me there and say hey. I have no plans to post to the new space but plans change (sometimes in an instant). ♥
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